Saturday, 30 January 2010

Chilcot - A very British Inquiry

I spent yesterday watching Tony Blair being savaged by a flock of dead sheep whilst following the comments on Twitter's #IraqInquiry.
Hardly any of the commentators were impressed by either Tony or the panel.
TB Chilcot

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Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Accessing the Iraq Inquiry - Via Netvibes

Accessing the Iraq Inquiry via my Netvibes Portal....

Lord Goldsmith, Tony Blair's Attorney General.

So, what do you think?

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Depressed, well let me tell you what my day was like yesterday

Well, I haven't been blogging with the frequency that I once did, been feeling a little under-the-weather, bit depressed I guess.
I have been following the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war, which is enough to make one depressed in itself, and kinda cross referencing with Craig Murry to gauge reaction and comment with a once FCO Ambassador and his astute group of followers of his website.
Craig also suffers from depression, not surprising really, considering what this government did to him.

But, the reason for this post is not to draw attention to my own, or indeed Craig's current mental state but to the notion that depression is, in someways related to how much control we have over events as demonstrated in this comment on Craig's site.

Depressed, well let me tell you what my day was like yesterday.
We were travelling through a small village about 60km north of Kalemie, we were waved down by a group of people very excited and anxious, we stopped. To cut a long story short, there was a 4 year old kid, very sick with malaria in the village, so we were asked to take a look and see what we could do. We tried for an hour to get an IV line in, but the kid was too far gone. I watched him die, nothing we could do. Local hospital was 7 hour drive away over terrible roads, and even if we could have got him there,they probably would not have the drugs to treat him.
Then it get's interesting. We had originally gone up there to destroy 7 land mines next to a small village called Nyunzu. Half way through the clearance proceedure, one of my guys realised 3 of the mines were booby trapped. I pulled my guys out and did the job myself. 2 hours pouring sweat under a tropical sun not knowing if next minuite would be the last...eventually I got the fuses out and we blew them with det cord and explosives. I spent most of that night throwing up. Morale of the story Craig, don't get depressed just because some prick lies through his back teeth to save his arse, there are bigger problems out there Bro. Miss ya...

Posted by: Frazer at January 27, 2010 7:26 AM

Reading that has not only inspired me to write this blog post, but to try and get some perspective on my own lack of control.

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Friday, 15 January 2010

Snowed out for three weeks!

Finally managed to get back home after spending three weeks at my mum's tiny flat in the snowbound north.
Only meant to stay for Christmas, not till the second week in January!

A Morning's walk in  -14c ....

Still it was good to get back...

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