Thursday, 18 February 2010

Netvibes or Google? Netvibes or Google? Netvibes or Google?

I came across this article Netvibes vs Google Reader
via the Netvibes Facebook Group and was struck by the way we humans like to identify and give loyalty towards names, words or brands.
Here's my implementation of Google's excellent tools, services and utilities.

Netvibes tames Google1a

My iGoogle Page....

Netvibes tames Google1b

My Google alerts....and.....

Netvibes tames Google1c

and overview of my entire Google Profile page in Netvibes, with Google Reader being displayed..

Hardly comprehensive I know, but it is all there, on tap, running under Netvibes..

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Thursday, 11 February 2010

Latest Weather from #UKSnow

UKSnow on Twitter gives you the latest on weather conditions as it happens.

Just put in the #hashtag #uksnow followed by the first part of the post code and your snow rating.

You can upload photos and have them displayed too!

I used this to plan my route during the last 'Big Freeze' and had no problems with my journey!

Check it out here.
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Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Half-Man, Half-Biscuit - 99% of Gargoyles look like ....

Browsing the news whilst listening to music is a habit that many people do..put it on to random play and off you go..

Sometimes the track doesn't suit the mood of the peice at all but other times.....

Tony Blair attacks Iraq Inquiry as part of Britain's 'obsession with conspiracy theories'

Tony Blair yesterday launched an extraordinary attack on the Iraq inquiry - as the chairman warned that he and others could be recalled over 'gaps' in their evidence. In an outspoken interview in the U.S., the former prime minister dismissed the inquiry as part of a ' continual desire to sort of uncover some great conspiracy'.

Speaking on Fox News he said critics of the war were obsessed with conspiracy theories, and refused to accept that his motives were 'genuine'.

Half-Man, Half-Biscuit are one of the funniest bands I have heard, they always raise a smile and gets my toes tapping.

Here are the two tracks I was enjoying when I came across this article.

99% of Gargoles Look Like Bob Todd

Turn a Blind Eye

Love the comments here

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