Saturday, 28 August 2010

What to do when your readers are not on message?

NatureNews ran this article regarding the cold snap which descended upon South America during July.
"Scientists who have visited the affected rivers say the event is the biggest ecological disaster Bolivia has known, and, as an example of a sudden climatic change wreaking havoc on wildlife, it is unprecedented in recorded history."

(Apart from 1955, when it was colder!!)

"The blame lies, at least indirectly, with a mass of Antarctic air that settled over the Southern Cone of South America for most of July. The prolonged cold snap has also been linked to the deaths of at least 550 penguins along the coasts of Brazil and thousands of cattle in Paraguay and Brazil, as well as hundreds of people in the region."

Like the 'Oh! and some people died' bit tag on.. glad we've got our priorities sort there.
But for me, the best comment was this definitive guide to the Climate Change jargon.
Climate Change Dictionary

The act of banding together a group of like-minded academics with a funding conflict of interest, for the purpose of squeezing out any research voices that threaten the multi-million dollar government grant gravy train.

Betrayal of the scientific method for politics or money or both.

Anyone who suspects the truth.

What has been happening for billions of years, but should now be flogged to produce 'panic for profit.'

Leftist Nutcase Prize, unrelated to "Peace" in any meaningful way.

Unnecessary details. If anyone asks for this, see "DENIER," above.

A person skilled in spouting obscure, scientific-sounding jargon that has the effect of deflecting requests for "DATA" by "DENIERS." Also skilled at affecting an aura of "Smartest Person in the Room" to buffalo gullible legislators and journalists.

The use of invalid scientific evidence resulting in findings of causation which simply cannot be justified or understood from the standpoint of the current state of credible scientific or medical knowledge.
2010-08-27 08:37:43 PM
Posted by: Jack Black

Taken from NatureNews Cold empties Bolivian rivers of fish

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Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Says it all really! RT Iraqi Government @pablothehat Reading - Blair must be arrested - JohnPilger

Says it all really!

1 hr
RT @pablotheha Reading - #Blair must be arrested - #JohnPilger #iraqwar #labour #afghanwar #LibCon twitterfeed

Twitter eh? Just a bit of a lark really...(sarcasm) 

John Pilger's Article

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