Friday 22 August 2008

"Pisst!" Wanna ID Card mate?"

'PA Consulting is one of the companies that has been involved in developing the government's controversial ID card scheme - opposed by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats.'

And opposed by any sensible inhabitant of this country as well!!

"Pisst!" Wanna ID Card mate?"

'A risk assessment was being carried out about the data that was missing, alongside the internal inquiry into what had happened, she said.' (Home Secretary Jacqui Smith )

Wooo! A risk assessment! That will show 'em!

I used to do risk assessments on the kids I used to work with. You know the sort of stuff, can this child be trusted with a large kitchen knife or to go to the shops that sort of thing.

Anyone want to do one on this government?

Can this administration be trusted with (fill in the blank with your own suggestion) ?

BBC NEWS | Politics | Firm 'broke rules' over data loss

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