Monday 27 October 2008

The New World Order Resistance

Apart for trying to sort out my Netvibes Universe, write a few articles for Helium, and do some SEO for my blog, which is in dire need of a make over, I recently joined a Facebook group called The New World Order Resistance which also has a web page and a Wiki presence.
Within a very short period of time, the groups global membership has approached 4000, a trend that will hopefully continue.

The New World Order Resistance

What is needed for this group is more members who are able to provide time, resources and expertise in coordinating this into a working, effective entity rather than just a bunch of malcontents, bitching on how powerless we are and how nasty the bad guys are.

After all who is the enemy?

We can see their puppets at work every time we open a newspaper, a web page or view or listen to the mainstream media but are they the enemy? Or the puppet?

Or, if you are not aware of how things are going on this small, blue-green planet some in the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral Arm, you have:

a. Been in a coma for most of your life.

b. Been on a completely different planet, galaxy or even Universe.

c. Are part of the problem.

Facebook Group

The New World Order Resistance Wiki Page

The 'unexpected' (ha!) meltdown of the financial world, fostered by the provision unsustainable credit, based on Fiat currencies, has forced more people to question how the hell we arrived at this situation? and what roles have our financial institutions, governments, NGO's and others in suddenly fleecing the populations of all the nations out of their 'wealth'.
In this sense, this ''crisis' may help in waking people up to the fact that, throughout history we have been lied to.

Our history is given to us, our identity is given to us and our thoughts are irrelevant.

Money is Debt is a video which goes someway in explaining the history of money, what it is based upon and what it means physically and psychologically.

Many may believe that 'we' should take the fight to 'them' but as I have previously commented, who is us and who is them?
And anyway they have all the resources they need, even down to the Neutron bomb if they so wished.
But mainly these are the devices which they will be using to keep order in their New World.

How the NWO will deal with protest

The mainstream media had long lost it's journalistic function and became the tool of vested interest groups, however, some reliable sources of information can be found at such sites as the Alex Jones Radio Show, (AKA Prison Planet/ Infowars), IndiMedia, What Really Happened and many others which links to can be found here,

For views from the inside the Belly of the Beast in the UK and Europe, there is the MP George Galloway who is a regular broadcaster on TalkSport radio and the blog of the Ex-UK Ambassador to the Central Asian Republic of Uzbekistan, Craig Murry.

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