Tuesday 25 September 2007

'Prepare to jump back into normal space!'

What is your favourite Sci Fi TV series?

Mine, as might be gathered by looking around my site, is Babylon 5.
I have just started watching the series again, mainly because it is great and because I need to finish off my review of the second series.

If you are not familiar with this brilliant epic space opera, check out my Ciao reviews of the initial pilot and the first series, the links are in the right hand margin.

'Faith manages'

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Anonymous said...

Does Star Trek count? I use to watch that show all of the time.

Spock was cool!

Pablothehat said...

Star Trek..I was brought up on Star Trek.

I loved it but at times it was just a little too squaky clean.
DS9 was a bit more gritty and realistic.

Bruce said...

Original Trek. Watched it during the original run on NBC and I used to go to the conventions. That's why I love Galaxy Quest so much. It pokes fun but somehow manages to stay reverent.
I've heard fantastic things about the new version of Battlestar Galactica but I've never had the chance to watch it.

Pablothehat said...

Yes original Trek, the wobble walls, the foam rocks and the Reptile headed monsters LOL. Loved it Never seen Galaxy Quest but watched some of Battlestar Galactica on-line a few months ago. Very good.