Friday, 21 December 2007

Do You have The Knowledge? The National Archives Do!

The National Archives

This is my favorite resource when I am doing research.

The National Archives, the official archive for England, Wales, and also for central UK government, contains 900 years of history with digital files of parchment and paper scrolls being put on websites, along with audio files

It is more than capable of meeting the demands of a student, a teacher, or doing private research into such areas as Family History, with online tutorials and an extensive variety of guides all designed to help you locate, interpret and understand the records you need for your area of research.

There is even a kids section.

Sphere: Related Content

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So you aren't hiding on here either with the date of your last post! Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. I have a feeling that this year will be a golden, vintage year for us, something very special. Take care my friend. lol:-D