Friday 14 March 2008

Man, sorry.... What knight lives in that castle over there?

Pupils 'to take allegiance oath'

Yes I can see this going down well with the kids .... all together..!!!

"Land of Dope and Whoring..."

BBC Article

BBC Have Your Say

You know your in big shit when your leaders have to resort to Jingoistic, nationalistic, imperialistic tactics to forward their agenda..

The Nazis and the Fascists pulled this sort of tack shortly before the last big bash, along with that repugnant man Mosley (a friend of Edward VIII ) trying in this country.

Wikipedia entry for Lord Goldsmith

Who and what defines what a nation is?

Our history is given to us, our national identities are given to us.

Those who hold power and control decide what is truth, what is our history is and will be.

The idea of a nation state is a mental construct to allow those who are powerful to remain so.

And why do they seek our fealty?

Because they fear us, the great unwashed, fear that we may suddenly withdraw our support for this imposed idea of 'belonging' to something greater than the individual.

So the individual human is reduced to the status of an ant, not important, one of billions that need to be exploited and controlled and, when they become a problem, eradicated.

They prey upon and manipulate the individual and tribal fears to sell us their goods, support their actions, suffer their duplicitous natures, march to their pipes and to kill and to die, calling for our mothers or our gods to take it all away and make it better.

Or to put it another way....

Monty Python The Holy Grail Script Extract

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