Sunday 1 February 2009

Wildcat wildfire: Frantic bids to stop strikes spreading - The Independant

I believe that the government fears these desperate actions of our indigenous work force may lead a worse situation than the Thatcher Poll Tax Riots and the Miners Strike combined given that these sorts of practice of hiring foreign workers goes beyond our traditional scapegoats of blue collar workers and is now biting into white collar fields.

I recall Scargill walking away with blood running down his face from police baton charges, the right-wing skinhead factions who attacked striking miners wives and children.

Poll Tax Riots.

Miners Strike.

I also remember Blair Peach and other incidence of the abuse of power.

And as for the standard of the policing these demonstrations, it is also worth remembering that not all those on the picket line or the demonstrations share the same ideals as the demonstrators.

and that you will not hear of see about it in the state/corporation controlled mainstream media and the clamp down on photo-journalists by legislation such as this.

Which will leave them free to deploy things such as these, if the police or army become reluctant to use excessive force.

Wildcat wildfire: Frantic bids to stop strikes spreading - Home News, UK - The Independent

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