Sunday 22 June 2008

Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe and the geek who hacked Pentagon computers to look at UFOs: So who goes free? | Mail Online

Gary McKinnon, an amatuer Ufologist and ex-hairdresser, defeats might of USA military!

Yes I can see why they would be pissed!

Taken from article:

'In the pantheon of the American military's Most Wanted list, McKinnon must rank some way below Osama bin Laden. Yet while the Al Qaeda leader remains elusive, a vengeful Pentagon is inching ever closer to the capture and high-security imprisonment of an unemployed British hairdresser with a potentially disastrous interest in UFOs.

I mean it is one thing to lose against an elusive, international criminal mastermind living (debatable) in immense fortified bunker-caves.......

(Even though it may read like something out of James Bond, these claims, after much TV coverage of bunkerbuster bombs, were found to be not true. All they discovered was a few dead goats and some small arms in a few small, rock-strewn recesses in the mountains) is quite another matter to lose to someone who might be too stoned to give you a decent hairdo!

There has even been the suggestion - from one rather excitable New Jersey attorney - that in an ideal world they would like to see him 'fry'.

Right! Err..? Do you need a sanity test to become an attorney?

If not why not? and if doesn't seem to be working.

'McKinnon's story is both fascinating and disturbing. It raises a number of unsettling questions for us all, not least about the porous nature of the U.S military's cyberspace security.

The others concern our one-sided relationship with a post 9/11 American judicial system that has produced Guantanamo Bay and Iraq's Abu Ghraib, as well as secret rendition flights to facilitate the torture of 'war on terror' suspects.

Should we really be handing over our nationals, without conclusive evidence against them? And how do we square it with this week's freeing on bail of the Islamic radical Abu Qatada - said by some to be bin Laden's ambassador to Europe - whose extradition to Jordan was thrown out by a British court at an earlier stage than the McKinnon case has so far reached?'

And why our government is going along with this fiasco is because when they say jump, our leaders say how high sir?

Bin Laden's right-hand man in Europe and the geek who hacked Pentagon computers to look at UFOs: So who goes free? | Mail Online

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Wil said...

Excellent take on the Gary McKinnon case.
Loved the "too stoned to give a good hairdo" comment.

Hope Gary will soon be Free and that this witch hunt will end.

1st rate article.

Pablothehat said...

Thank you for your kind comments, and yes, I hope all of this is behind him soon.