Friday 13 June 2008

Corporations Plan To Pull Plug On The Free Internet

"This is the friend...the end.. my friend" The Doors.

How would it make you feel, as a blogger, that if you wanted to run a web site or blog that you you had to register with the government for permission? Or if you want to just brows the net that your access would be restricted via biometric security measures and be charged for every action that you do?

In this Internet 2, all decent would be stifled, such as political blogs, and links to other information would not be allowed.

It's a whole Brave New World of corporate fed feeds and official propaganda.

And, like most of these so called measures, like the UK 42 day detention without trial nonsense, most people would welcome these restrictions because the NWO's plan to dumb down the peoples cognitive and critical abilities has been quite affective.

They have used the media to frighten us that the net is nothing more than playground for Pedos..(and isn't is strange that a lot of them are or have been cops?), a training ground for terrorists and a shopping mall for ID fraud.

Then there is the music industries assault on file sharing, paving the way for greater and greater control by the 'regulatory bodies'.

There is no place for your voice in their cyberworld, and they don't want you to talk about anything substantial, only to listen and spend, spend spend and vote for who they tell you to vote for.

Well, enjoy it while you can folks......

"Goodbye cruel world, I'm leaving you today, good bye, goodbye, goodbye". (Pink Floyd)

Corporations Plan To Pull Plug On The Free Internet

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