Saturday 20 December 2008

Netvibes, Yoono with added Twitter, and Monitter, the Perfect Tweeting combination?

As with all things computorish, we find that most of our time is taken up by looking for things we didn't realise we needed, setting up those things which we don't clearly understand, and trying to remember what it was we wanted to do in the first place.

To spare you some of these tribulations I have included a Monitter tab on my Netvibes Universe.

Twitter Monitter on Netvibes resized

Monitter is a great application to use as it is updated within seconds of a posting being made on Twitter.

You could by looking for employment or money making opportunities, checking what is buzzing or just following the Tweets.

Whether Monitter, used in combination with Netvibes and Yoono, could possible provide a viable alternative to a single desktop application such as TweetDeck is not truly a comparison I can make as I have never used TweetDeck, but any feedback from TweetDeck Users would be welcomed.

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