Tuesday 23 December 2008

Bailiffs given the authority to use restraint against debtors.

This is something that has been in the pipeline for a while now but has received scant media attention.
Given the hard economic time ahead for people, with more people's income and livelihoods’ under threat, largely by governments who were either, too incompetent, too complicit, too egomaniacal, (delete or add-to as you see fit), are now passing legislation to allow those whom are owed money to use force to get it or goods back.
In any other culture this would be regarded as gangsters and extortion.
But these are legalised money-lenders.

They are all willing to hand over your taxes and shortly, any money held in bank and building societies which has not been touch, or 'updated' as it is termed in 15 years. This is to be used in 'charitable causes', a phrase usually meaning giving, those who have the most influence in local community or national and international projects, more of your rainy-day cash to keep themselves and/or their cronies in the banking sector or 'influential quango's', with well-paid positions and wielding unaccountable power and influence with the fabric of society.

The expression that springs to mind to describe the positions that such people occupy is 'dogs in mangers.'

Bailiffs get power to use force on debtors - Times Online

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