Friday 2 January 2009

Love your work !

I was reading the yearly round up of posts from the Guido Fawkes blog when I came across this visitors comment which I just thought needed a post of it's own.


You have been warned.

'woman on a raft said...

Dear Jane 8:40. What explains the erudite comments is the need for speed commenting. Here is a glossary:

We are fucked
The banks have been nationalized using your and your childrens' money, or China persuaded to sub them in return for more of what ever we were offering. Like the idiots we are, instead of accepting that the plasma telly and the chipboard furniture will have to go, we have again
borrowed enough to buy yet another take-out pizza and spray-tan in the hopes of snagging a rich boyfriend. There are no rich boyfriends, so this isn't going to work. In short, the fucking fucker's fucking fucked, innit. The loan shark will be round later. You'll be lucky if he accepts a blow-job instead; he's after a kidney for transplant to a Russian oligarch on dialysis.

The people who have done it are a mixture of cunts, wankers, and twats. (Present company excepted, obviously.)

are malicious people who wanted this to happen. Some people believe there are a lot of cunts, but I hold they are relatively rare. None the less, there is definitely a stink of thrushy-cunt about Alistair Darling and the non-elected Nick Robinson, and anyone who is rolling around gleefully saying 'the days of cosying up to the city are over' as if the debasement of money was a religious success they have brought about to prove that God exists. Denis Healey is an undead cunt whose Wiki has been sealed to stop people repeatedly pointing out he is a Bilderburger - a fact which he put in to the public domain himself in the fucking Guardian.

There are few cunts but there are many more wankers;
people whose political energy is directed towards their own glory.
I hold the PM is too fucking stupid to make it even to 'thicko cunt', but is definitely a wanker, mistaking the massage of his own ego for doing anybody the slightest bit of good, on account of it feels good to him so we must all be enjoying it and even if we aren't 'then it has al been worthwhile'. There's some arrested development theory or other about this (Freud, Jung, Piaget - psychowonks please advise) but it is observably true that children don't distinguish themselves from their parents/carers until quite late on. Hence, they think if they are happy, then you are happy. GB is an arrested development wanker, and we even know where he got stuck because he keeps telling us.

The lowest category is 'twat'
and there's a lot of them about. The twats in the conference hall are a sample of twats who may have some residual power, so they are 'big twats' (aka 'useful idiots') where as the 20% of the population who would still tick the box for another shit sandwich are showing minor twat traits. However, it is unwise to call them twats because they are feeling unsure about their previous votes and I want to make it possible for them to see how they've been betrayed, sold out and generally fucked to buggery by the big twats taking advantage of the little twats' tendency to take people at face value and think that just because someone has good intentions, that is enough. It isn't. You have to be competent and face reality as it is, not as you wish it to be.
Twattery is believing things about the world that you wish were true, but manifestly are not.

What takes too long to type at speed is 'smartarse' or even 'fucking smartarse'. Guilty as charged, also taking in to account 'not as fucking clever as she thinks she is'. I do not come
from one of the better universities, but I'm not bitter.'

September 24, 2008 9:44 AM

Just so funny!

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