Saturday 3 January 2009


Over the past couple of weeks I haven't been contributing much to my blog, largley due to me getting to know Twitter and a few other add-ons to help you communicate, track and evaluate.

One of these is Dipity, a kind of social network timeline which is able to take your feeds, blog entries and web pages and show them on a timeline, very useful if you are looking for a particularly entry but you cannot remember just when you published it.

My Dipity Profile Timeline showing recent entries to my blog and messages sent and recieved on Twitter.

Adding feeds, images, blogs and video is very simple to accomplish.

These are shown on your timeline, which is scrollable and zoomable So that's the ables' sorted then!

Dipity also allows you to send DM to whoever.....

and even helps keep an eye on those keeping an eye on you.

Dipity does tend to be a bit of a resource hog and has, at times, slowed my PC down to a bit of a walk in treacle type of effect. Also I have recently lost the ability to update my contacts which seems strange. It is still very much a work in progress and I have not been able to discover any help or support, but then, I haven't looked to hard as it has been the festive break.
I will continue to evaluate Dipity over the coming weeks as I have to admit I rather like it, just have to beef up my PC!

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1 comment:

bob said...

Check out ( for another way to capture, share and explore your life events. Timelines and maps provide fun way to explore events and create an ongoing life record.