Saturday 24 January 2009

BBC NEWS | UK | Court fees plan 'tax on debtors'

Here we go!
The Last Great Gravy Train Robbery of The Desperate Despots!
The ZaNuLabour government continues it's fleecing of the poor with this latest idea.

Tax on Debts

Nod to Queen
"They want it all! They want it all! and they want it now!"

BBC NEWS | UK | Court fees plan 'tax on debtors'
Court fees plan 'tax on debtors'
Dominic Grieve
Dominic Grieve has labelled the proposals as a "stealth tax"

The Conservatives have criticised a proposal to increase court fees for debt proceedings by up to 233%.

They say the new fees will be added to the person's existing liabilities, and have labelled the proposals as a "stealth tax".

The plans were set out in a Ministry of Justice (MoJ) consultation document.

So it would seem that, not only is the current administration guilty of taking this country into unpopular wars and conflicts via such devices as the September Dossier; the seedy and dodgy machinations such as Cash for Honours and pursuing policies which contributed to the wrecking of the economy.
And don't give me that bullshit that no one foreseen these events, because I was reading blogs in 2005 that were trying to make people aware that we were heading for a financial melt down. And, if you look closely at how the banks, governments and fiscal policy works, it would have been obvious that you cannot sustain a stable economy by borrowing, in the trillions, particularly whilst hampering our manufacturing base and being reliant on foreign imports for our basic needs, now they want to tax us even further if we end up redundant and unable to make good our debts caused for their and their financial and elites masters, greed and hunger for power.

Does this bunch really think they are going to win the next election?

The meek will only inherit the earth when they have dispensed with such parasites.

If this tax on debtors goes through, expect to see more of this, Man dies during visit by bailiff.

BBC NEWS | UK | Court fees plan 'tax on debtors'

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