Monday 24 November 2008

A Montage of Time

I was up far too early this morning, doing the usual, tea, toilet, smoke, de-flea the dog, and in the midst of all that at five am, I was on the net, sorting out emails, reading a few comments made over night.

I am not sure what led me to do this post..oh yes, sorting out my Netvibes Tabs. Occasionally, in my haste to place a new feed or a new website to my Netvibes page, I seldom care on which Tab they end up, so it was with my Blogcatlog Tab.
It was full of websites I had grabbed and they were little to do with Blogcatalog. and one of them was my Flicker account which I hadn't done anything with for ages. So as I was I put it in it's relevant Tab, I remembered about Blogger and it's use of Picasa, so I decided to make create a slideshow of the images I uploaded since starting The Tao of Blog.

Most of the images made articles but some did not, but what is kind of interesting, well from my perspective, is not just the changes in the blogs development, what stayed and what didn't, what worked and what didn't, but the content, the snapshots of moments in time, both personal and public, what was in the news, comments being made from websites and blogs, a montage of time.

I placed a small slideshow in the margin and created this below for the posting. A larger slideshow can be viewed of the Netvibes version of this blog.

Sphere: Related Content

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