Sunday 14 December 2008

Windows Live Writer and Blogger

Well I finally have had enough of Google's Blogger interface, mainly because it is just so much hard work just to create a blog post, so much so that I just could not be bothered to complete some of them, hence there are quite a few items which are still in draft form.

I tried to compensate for these difficulties by using Yoono which I have found to be an absolute dream in keeping me up-to-date with my Twitter chums and Facebook flunkies, but could I get it to see or post to my blog? No.

Apparently this lack of communication between Yoono and my blogspot blog is due to the fact that I have a - in my blog's URL.

Who would believe that such a little - could cause so many bruises to one's forehead as it yet again collides with the keyboard.

So, in absolute frustration I am force to turn to Microsoft for a solution, a processes which involves much compromise for me as I generally askew all things MS'ee for third party software, must be a hang over from my pre-PC owning Atari days of shareware and freeware which always appealed to me. Partly because the cost or lack of it, partly because I enjoyed discovering and building a software environment, tailored to what I wanted, not what someone else pre-prescribed for me.

But all of this pre-able is just delaying the inevitability of this article being written on Live Writer, the first article and therefore, the test piece to see if it actually works. Been here before remember, with Yoono.

After going through the installation process, which I must say, went surprisingly smoothly, opting out of the MSN chat stuff, email client option and all that, just want the Writer as I like the way my set-up works and I didn't want it messed up, Live Writer appears to have detected and downloaded the necessary files to work with my blog and presented this user interface which doesn't offend my jaded eye as much as I suspected it would.

Live Writer and Blogger1

Also the ability to position and resize an image without all that tedious cutting and pasting the HTML on Blogger is just so much of a relief.

As Live Writer possesses the ability to post to several blogging platforms, including Live Spaces, which I have, but never used as yet I am also looking toward integrating my other blogs which have also fallen into neglect due to the time consuming interface effect of Blogger.

Well I will make this not so much a review, as I don't even know if it is going to work yet, more of an experiment, and end this now.

Just need to spell check, add the links and the tags and publish to see if it co-operate. Fingers crossed..Here we go........

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Reivax said...

The dash is not responsible for Yoono being unable to send a note to your blog. I've succeeded with no trouble to post notes to such a blog :

Which means I'm still clueless about this problem.

Pablothehat said...

Strange. I also am unable to post correctly to my Live Spaces blog. It show as a draft entry which I am unable to edit or delete!
Maybe it is just me. As usual. LOL.