Monday, 8 October 2007

How to downgrade from Vista to XP News - PC Advisor

Glad to find someone as reliable as PC Advisor magazine are offering tips on how to revert from Windows Vista to Windows XP, as a laptop is rapidly becoming a necessity for me rather than a luxury. (And I got to get out of the house some how!)

As I am not too keen having Vista as my OS, it would have to be either a XP or Linux platform, unlikely to find a new manufacturer offering those options soon.

I like the way my system works, using Virtual computers running under Windows XP and I don't want to change it for features I am unlikely to need or want, so to be able to revert would make the switch a bit less of a nightmare!!!

PC Advisor is one of my first ports of call if I get any PC problems and I have found their forums informative and accurate over the five years I have been a reader and user of their magazines and websites.
How to downgrade from Vista to XP News - PC Advisor

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