Monday, 8 October 2007

MyBlogLog-The Tao of Blog-pablothehat

Came across this via Technorati on the blog site, which has some great articles on how to increase your web potential.
One of the suggestions I implemented immediately, joining MyBlogLog which is part of the Yahoo Empire.
As you can see!!

pablothehat - MyBlogLog

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D.C. said...

Welcome to mybloglog. It can be a powerful tool if used correctly. I hope it helps your blog as much as it has helped mine.

Pablothehat said...

Thank you for leaving your comment. I will look you up on mybloglog.


Anonymous said...

Well I suppose I should join too eh?

So many more minds out there to corrupt! he he

Pablothehat said...

Yes..set forth your flying monkey troops and conquer and lay waste!!!!