Monday, 1 October 2007

Today's Anti-Smoking Purge Is Borrowed From The Nazis

"For it is the Doom of Man that they forget"....Merlin
Check out this article on the use of narcotics by those in power to control the populous. An old theme but still effective today.
Today's Anti-Smoking Purge Is Borrowed From The Nazis

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Anonymous said...

Where I live there are pretty strict laws about smoking in public.

It's a good thing I am a non smoker because with as strong willed and stubborn as I am I'd be writing this comment from prison.

Pablothehat said...

Yes, that's how I feel about National ID cards. Feels like a right to exist card.

Tequila Mockingbird said...

yeah, the smoking ban just officially went in this month here. we are now a smoke-free state.

i've been smoke-free for almost a year and a half, but i still feel like a right has been taken away from me.

Emmy said...

Do people even have rights any more? Things just ARE these days.

Pablothehat said...

We never did have rights. It was just an illusion spun to us to help keep us controlled.

Divinyl said...

This is super-interesting...I am not yet up on the technical side of things, but you should leave a link in my blog comments or yours and this entry, as it obviously links to the recent cigarette advertising blog I just did (the flip side?). Interesting stuff.

Pablothehat said...

Ok I will look into how to do that.

Just seems to me that they use these sorts of social manipulations to mask their real agenda.
Divertion Ahead...Divertion Ahead...Divertion Ahead