When I came across Talking Heads front man David Byrne's online blog the other evening it felt like meeting up with an old friend and spending time catching up on the past few years.
I have been playing music, guitar, blues harp and percussion for quite a few years and I spent hours going over the video of the live acoustic version of Psycho Killer and My Girlfriend is Better, so that I could get the chords and the difficult strumming technique right.
Those two songs provided some income when I was unemployed, flat broke and busking to get me and my ex-wife through a lot of financial hardship.
I still love those tracks and still I play them, assaulting my old guitar with the heavy, staccato thrashing with lots of damping palm techniques, a fantastic way to relieve stress, tension and frustration.
And, on those occasions when my head exploded with dark forebodings, and all I thought I knew had taken on an fearful aspect, repeating David Byrne's lyrics, like a mantra, preserved my sanity through some very troubled, bazaar and emotional situations.
'Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was.'
David Byrne Journal
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
David Byrne Journal
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Labels: band, blog, David Byrne, My Girlfriend is Better, Psycho Killer, Talking Heads
Monday, 29 October 2007
......and now a word from our sponser......
Huh!...men of a certain age......they do start to get a little rebellious....... this guy is no Victor Meldrew.....LOL!
andreas04: close to attraction
I am that I am - Popeye
TV, can get a bit samey can't it?
Never mind, there is always YouTube...though you could always try I am that I am .com!
Looking for the bizarre? Searching for Enlightenment? Wanna know? Gotta know?
This site has an extensive selection literature and streamed video and audio on subjects such as:
Anti-Gravity!- Be the envy of your neighbours with your extensive knowledge of this growing opportunity!
Zero point Energy!- Yes folks you really can get something for nothing!!
Unravel the tightly bound links of the Last Gordian Knot of DNA!
And experience the Self-Awakening through the Sacred Knowledge of the Chakras.
(No children under 4' 2")
Today is Boomtime, the 10th day of The Aftermath in the YOLD 3173
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Labels: anti-gravity, audio, Chakras, Gordian Knot, Iam that I am, Streamed, video, zero point energy
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Word Strumpet
If you are looking for quality advice on how to improve as a writer and online author, you could spend a lot of time searching to find a better site than this.
It is nicely laid out and accessible, written with a naturally flowing, friendly sense of humour, the subject is explored on an open and refreshingly clear way, and you find that you are not being overwhelmed by lots of technical language or attempts to be converted into some freakish writing cult type of thing.
Charlotte Rains Dixon, MFA is a free-lance writer, novelist, copy writer and creative writing teacher.
Word Strumpet
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Labels: articles, copy writer, freelance, make money online, novelist, on-line, wordstrumpet, writing
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Mouse Party
So you think you know all about drugs do you? Done your research? No?
Take a look here were you will apparently get to do elegantly structured experiments on mice in ordered to discover the meaning to Life, The Universe and Everything!
Mouse Party
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Labels: drugs, mice, mouse party
How do computer hackers work? - Hacking - Helium - by Pablothehat
If there is one thing which can be said about the Helium site it is that it can inspire you to research and write about subjects which you think you know about.
You have read a few articles in the press or heard something about hackers in the media, glanced over a few web pages on it. When the topic came up as part of the Helium contests I thought , yes, I could write something on that.
The more research I did, the more I knew I had taken for granted and during the writing of this piece, I was also updating my pc security.
Practice what you preach.
How do computer hackers work? - Hacking - Helium - by Pablothehat
Friday, 26 October 2007
Rape: The most misunderstood crime - Society & Lifestyle (Other) - Helium - by Pablothehat
Well, I thought long and hard about putting this on my blog page.
This is just a small portion of all the writing I have done on this subject and there is a possibility that I may start a separate blog to bring this issue out into the public arena, not that anyone really cares anymore about rape, if they really ever did.
The attitude of society is one of 'well she (or he) must have deserved it' is along established one, and given that rape is used daily as a means of control and manipulation by individuals, groups and governments worldwide, this is very unlikely to change.
Rape: The most misunderstood crime - Society & Lifestyle (Other) - Helium - by Pablothehat
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Labels: cyber attack, cyberbullying, helium, rape, sex crimes
Tutorials | Knight Digital Media Center
In my seemingly never ending quest to find as many resource links to improve my blogging abilities I came across this.
Tutorials | Knight Digital Media Center
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Labels: distance learning, journalism, Multimedia, technology, Training, UC Berkley Graduate School of Journalism
Blogs and Investigative Journalism: The amateur-professional debate « Online Journalism Blog
Blogs and Investigative Journalism: The amateur-professional debate « Online Journalism Blog
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Labels: amateur, blog, blogger, blogging, inverstigative, journalism, on-line, professional
Monday, 22 October 2007
The Ancient Mesopotamian gods - Ancient History - Helium - by Pablothehat
One of the original reasons I decided to start a blog was to showcase some of my other writings and articles which I have on the net. Some of these articles are not what I would call Blog material, well, at least not this blog.
This blog as it's Mission Statement makes clear that one of it's intended purposes is to be a portal to other sites, and some contain more of my own work.
The Helium site is one of them.
On here are some of my more academic works, a few reviews of software and TV shows, some social commentary and an odd assortment of writings. So, please, feel free to explore.
The Ancient Mesopotamian gods - Ancient History - Helium - by Pablothehat
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Labels: Ancient Mesopotamian, articles, gods, helium, Mesopotamia, poetry, reviews, software
ODP - Open Directory Project
Ready to unleash you creative writings on to the unsuspecting peoples of the world?
The Open Directory Project is one of web's largest and inclusive directories, and it's editorial demands are maintained by human volunteer editors rather than thousands of trained apes working part-time on a script for Hamlet.
Isn't progress wonderful!
As I have only just submitted The Tao to them for listing in the directory, we will just have to wait and see if it is accepted and if so, how effective this service is.
ODP - Open Directory Project
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Labels: blog, blogging, Catalog, Open Directory Project
Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog
If you are looking for some of the latest Web 2.0 news and the chance to get all of your web profiles and social networking under one roof here is another brilliant site that will suit you sir!
Mashable! - The Social Networking Blog
Ceci n'est pas un blog: “In her kiss I taste the revolution!”: The impact of Riot Grrrl on Gossip and music today
If, like me, you believe that you have been shaped into the person looking at you in the mirror each morning not only by those life changing moments which happen to us, but also by the musical soundtracks which seem to accompany them, you will love this blog.
As music review writers go, Divinyl can certainly can punch above her weight, (and believe me, I was reading the NME when it was a broadsheet and bought the first issue of Q Mag!)
(This is an Adult orientated site.)
Ceci n'est pas un blog: “In her kiss I taste the revolution!”: The impact of Riot Grrrl on Gossip and music today
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Saturday, 20 October 2007
So it is Mr and Mrs Smith..and how long will you be staying? Just the night. And if you don't mind signing the register, ..
I have added a Guestbook to the bottom of the blog..check it out and give me some feedback as I am unsure as to whether it will remain.
PS Thanks to LF!!
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Labels: guestbook
Friday, 19 October 2007
Xinu - Check PageRank, Backlinks, Indexed Pages, Rankings and more
Another useful site for checking out how your stats are doing...now if I can just a) figure out what it all means and b, figure out how I can use the info to improve things.....more to follow......
Xinu - Check PageRank, Backlinks, Indexed Pages, Rankings and more
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Labels: Alexa, Altavista, Ask Jeeves, del.icio.us, Digg, Google, HotBot, Live, Lycros, Mister Wong, MSN, Orange, Technorati, Webcrawler, yahoo
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Police State Britain
Protect and to Serve
Yer right!
Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-police or anything like that, if fact I had family relations who were in the police, but, like any institution, particularly an enforcement arm of the government, they cannot be allowed to function without scrutiny and this is one such pair of eyes.
'An honest man can feel no pleasure in the exercise of power over his fellow citizens.'
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Police State Britain
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Labels: Britian, corruption, police, state
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Welcome to Which?
Which? Magazine is an 80 page, 12 issues per year publication, by a non-profit making independent body, with reviews and advice covering a wide range of products and services, from white goods to modern technology, and members’ access to on-line content at which.co.uk.
If you live in Rip of Britain this publication should be on the National Curriculum!
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Labels: access, advice, content, independent body, Magazine, members’, non-profit making, on-line, products, publication, reviews, services, technology, Which, white goods
ProBloggers Matrix — Blogging tips
If you are like me and are fairly new to Blogging and need some sound insights and tips to make you a more professional, this is one of the best sites I have come across to-date.
ProBloggers Matrix — Blogging tips
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Labels: blog, probloggermatrix, SEO
11 easy ways to turn your PC green News - PC Advisor
Environmental issues...mmmm hang on, let me just turn off a couple of lights, insulate that loft ....
11 easy ways to turn your PC green News - PC Advisor
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Labels: blog action day, greener pc, pc advisor
Monday, 15 October 2007
The Tao of Blog....Now available on Google Reader!!!!
The Tao of Blog....Now available on Google Reader!!!!
In my never-ending quest for self-publicity, I have now explored Google's nether regions in an attempt to appeal to a wider readership.
Or in other words..
Google Reader (16)
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Labels: blog, Google, Reader, The Tao of Blog
Sunday, 14 October 2007
NeoWORX - Quality tools for world of blogs - free web counters and widgets
I saw this sites hit counter on PP's site and thought, that's nice ..so I signed up.
This is a great looking site and their widgets look good too.
NeoWORX - Quality tools for world of blogs - free web counters and widgets
I also joined Google Base to get even more exposure!!!
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Labels: base, Google, The Tao of Blo
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Hot Blogs, Get your Hot Blogs
Well having just spent the past month slaving over a hot blog, not only trying to not only create and find good and interesting content, to both edify and to amuse. I have also been trying to learn as much as I can and implement any tips that I have discovered, hunted, chased down or otherwise snared to help bring my blog to a wider readership.
This I have found involves many bleary eyed hours looking at the screen, reading the terms and conditions from everything from widgets to submission sites. Getting snippets of code from affiliations and wondering where I am supposed to put it.
It has been spending a lot of time reading the blogs of others, looking at how they write, how they present their blog, how much, if any advertising they use. It has also been spent commenting, joining support groups, reading emails, creating and storing passwords.
From a couple of tentative typed opening lines at the end of July, The Tao of Blog has now become a monster, awake constantly and demanding my utmost attention.
It has developed such a personality that it haunts my dreams and every waking moment.
I have found myself wide-awake at 3:30 am, unable to sleep as I finally slip another piece in the jigsaw of blogging and website building.
I walk, through the darkness of the house, like an extra from a Michael Jackson horror video to the computer and commence work as a merely human component in my own construction of this Fritz Lang inspired, Metropolis blog machine.
The protestations of my beloved partner fall on ears deaf to all but the chitter-chatter of the keyboard, pounding thought the day and into the darkening nights. I think she is packing bags, though I am not sure who's, and muttering things about obsession and neglect.
There is so much information and advice about starting and developing your blog that one could easily be paralysed into none action or spend most of your time reading the same information on about half a dozen sites which in the end, tell you little.
One thing this time away for constantly blogging, or trying to think up some new articles for my Triond or Helium outlets for my random musings on the nature of navel fluff, has given me is the chance to both rationalise my Netvibes page, which had become somewhat untidy and scattered, with widgets here and gadgets there. It was starting to effect the way I was working, spending too much time hunting for things that should be at hand.
It also gave me time to have a look around for some useful and not so useful widgets. These I have only recently discovered, can be on my Netvibes pages. Now I can keep an eye on my blogs without actually having to go to their pages, they are all monitored from my Netvibes page.
From here I can see how many visitors and who has visited last, what if any comments have been left and allows me to access everything from a clear and uncluttered environment.
I have also created a test bed page for widgets that I might want either on my blog or on my Netvibes page. Here they can be examined and tested their usefulness or relevance.
So my apologies for not contributing as frequently as I would like, but in a way, this blog is doing what it wants, it's own journey of self discovery, with myself as merely the instrument of it's creation, and it is documenting what it finds, what renders it's own creation useful or not, accepting or rejecting that which fails.
It is a long process, and looking at the standards of blog construction of some of those who have been generous enough to visit The Tao of Blog, I still have someway to go on the journey and some gaping holes in my level of understanding.
Thanks to everyone who has visited in the past week or so.
Please leave your thoughts and comments as they help me to make improvements to the TOB, and any suggestions to what you would like to see.
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Labels: blog, Fritz Lang, gadgets, Metropolis, Michael Jackson, Netvibes, The Tao of Blo, widgets
Friday, 12 October 2007
RM, Asus launch £169 ultraportable PC News - PC Advisor
RM, Asus launch £169 ultraportable PC News - PC AdvisorAt that price there doesn't seem worth getting my old Psion 5mx fixed does it?
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Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Web Tools - FREE website, guestbook, counter, forum, calendar, or over 20 other FREE interactive web tools!
This is a great site for widgets and other web tools!
Web Tools - FREE website, guestbook, counter, forum, calendar, or over 20 other FREE interactive web tools!
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Labels: blog, bravenet, pablothehat, The Tao of Blog
BlogRush - The Mighty “Phase 2″
More news on the Great BlogRush of 2007.
"Git yer pan handlers an' yer mules here!"
BlogRush - The Mighty “Phase 2″
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Labels: blogrush, pablothehat, The Tao of Blog
Monday, 8 October 2007
MyBlogLog-The Tao of Blog-pablothehat
Came across this via Technorati on the rishiraj.info blog site, which has some great articles on how to increase your web potential.
One of the suggestions I implemented immediately, joining MyBlogLog which is part of the Yahoo Empire.As you can see!!
pablothehat - MyBlogLog
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Labels: mybloglog, rishiraj, Technorati, yahoo
How to downgrade from Vista to XP News - PC Advisor
Glad to find someone as reliable as PC Advisor magazine are offering tips on how to revert from Windows Vista to Windows XP, as a laptop is rapidly becoming a necessity for me rather than a luxury. (And I got to get out of the house some how!)
As I am not too keen having Vista as my OS, it would have to be either a XP or Linux platform, unlikely to find a new manufacturer offering those options soon.
I like the way my system works, using Virtual computers running under Windows XP and I don't want to change it for features I am unlikely to need or want, so to be able to revert would make the switch a bit less of a nightmare!!!
PC Advisor is one of my first ports of call if I get any PC problems and I have found their forums informative and accurate over the five years I have been a reader and user of their magazines and websites.
How to downgrade from Vista to XP News - PC Advisor
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Labels: laptop, pc advisor, The Tao of Blog, Vista, XP
Click to Give @ The Breast Cancer Site
If there is one disease which affects us all in someway it is breast cancer. All of us will know someone who has been effected by this. Be it a loved one who has suffered, family friend, or even friends of a friend or loved one. What happens to these people who either we love or, those we love, effects both us and them,. Their pain and loss is ours.
This site is offering the chance to provide free mammograms, all for the price of a few minutes of your time. Details are in the link.
Thanks to Dozyllama, a breast cancer survivor herself, for bringing this to my awareness.
Click to Give @ The Breast Cancer Site
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Labels: breast, cancer, examination, health, mammogram, scan, self, The Tao of Blog
Sunday, 7 October 2007
The Tao of Blog on Zimbio and Technorati
Worked on publicising The Tao of Blog today, mainly following some of the suggestions given in some of my previous postings.
Joined Zimbio and Technorati to try and increase both my knowledge and traffic.
Pablothehat on Technorati
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Labels: blog, blogger, blogging, pablothehat, profile, social networking, Technorati, The Tao of Blog, Zimbio
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Poetry: Night shift - Poetry - Helium - by Pablothehat
Poetry: Night shift - Poetry - Helium - by Pablothehat
This is a poetic snapshot of when I use to work in child care. and we, (the RSW/Instructors), would take groups of teenagers in to wilds of Scotland and Wales doing abseiling, caving, canoeing, climbing, you know, the Outdoor Activities thing.
Well we would go in all weathers and throughout the winter camping.
Sometimes you just couldn't remain or even get to sleep. Either the kids kept you awake, or you were so wound up by the stress of the job, or it was freezing cold and blowing a gale!
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Labels: articles, helium, Outdoor Activities, residential child care, social workers, The Tao of Blog
Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1
Another excellent series of tips and ideas from the ProBlogger site aimed at generating more revenue on your blog using Google Adsense.
Adsense Tips for Bloggers 1
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Labels: Adsense, blog, blogger, blogging, pablothehat, Tao of Blog, The Tao of Blog
Friday, 5 October 2007
7 Ways to Turn Your First Time Visitors into Returning Visitors
Another interesting and informative site into how to make our blogging experiences a little more productive. Well, that's the plan anyway.
7 Ways to Turn Your First Time Visitors into Returning Visitors
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Labels: facebook, pablothehat, Tao of Blog, The Tao of Blog
Boggies of the Sty the alternative hairy-footed folk! " Is this what they read when they can't read about Hobbits?" Pipsqueak Brandydrinker.
Over the past month the weekend's ritual has been to sit down and watched all of the DVDs of JRR Tolkin's Lord of the Rings, starting with the Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and finally, last weekend The Return of the King.
This revered tomb of English Literature, to read, demands more than enough stamina and strength of both mind and body. Tolikin's descriptions of the World of Middle Earth can be as long and as torturous as Frodo's journey to Mordor, and the weight of the thing is at time just as heavy as the Ring of Power it's self.
To counterbalance the gravity in the Plot of this undefeated heavyweight champion of the Literary World I have returned to an old favorite of mine Bored of the Rings.
This irreverent doffing of the Thinking Cap to Tolkin can be a bit of light relief when compared to the grief and loss of LOTR and, in-between the computer, my partner and the TV, it can raise a bit of a chuckle.
'Do you like what you doth see . . . ?' said the voluptuous elf-maiden as she provocatively parted the folds of her robe to reveal the rounded, shadowy glories within.. Frito's throat was dry, though his head reeling with desire and ale.
She slipped off the flimsy garment and strode toward the fascinated boggie, unashamed of her nakedness. She ran a perfect hand along his hairy toes, and he helplessly watched them curl with the fierce insistent wanting of her. 'Here let me make thee more comfortable,' she whispered hoarsely, fiddling with the clasps of his jerkin, loosening his sword belt with a laugh.
'Touch me, oh touch me,' she crooned. Frito's hand, as though of its own will, reached out and traced the delicate swelling of her elf-breast, while the other slowly crept around her tiny, flawless waist, crushing her to his barrel chest. 'I love hairy toes,' she moaned, forcing him down on the silvered carpet. Her tiny, pink toes caressed the luxuriant fur of his instep while Frito's nose sought out the warmth of her precious elf-navel.
'But I'm so small and hairy, and . . . and you're so beautiful;' Frito whimpered, slipping clumsily out of his crossed garters.
The elf-maiden said nothing, but only sighed deep in her throat and held him more firmly to her faunlike body. 'There is one thing you must do for me first,' she whispered into one tufted ear.
'Anything,' sobbed Frito, growing frantic with his need. 'Anything!'
She closed her eyes and then opened them to the ceiling. 'The Ring,' she said. 'I must have your Ring.'
Frito's whole body tensed. 'Oh no,' he cried, 'not that! Anything but . . . that.'
'I must have it,' she said both tenderly and fiercely.
'I must have the Ring!'
Frito's eyes blurred with tears and confusion. 'I can't,' he said. 'I mustn't!'
But he knew resolve was no longer strong in him.
Slowly, the elf-maiden's hand inched toward the chain in his vest pocket, closer and closer it came to the Ring
Frito had guarded so faithfully . . .
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Labels: Bored of the Rings, Lord of the Rings, pablothehat, The Tao of Blog
Monday, 1 October 2007
Today's Anti-Smoking Purge Is Borrowed From The Nazis
"For it is the Doom of Man that they forget"....Merlin
Check out this article on the use of narcotics by those in power to control the populous. An old theme but still effective today.
Today's Anti-Smoking Purge Is Borrowed From The Nazis
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Labels: Alex Jones, ban, blogging, blogs, civil, liberties, nazis, new world order, pablothehat, smoking, The Tao of Blog
Telephone Research
My other hat (LOL) is one of a researcher. I am in the somewhat enviable position of being able to spend my days lounging by the pool, sipping margaritas and lesiurely being able to switched between my vast Internet empire and telephoning people to asks them strange and revealing questions about such topics as the parents perceptions of provision of music and movement classes for preschool children, to what financial advisers believe to be the up and coming trends in the financial world. Or even dare to ask the question are plumbers anymore happier in their roles than beauticians.
Well, its a life ..now where did I put that drink?
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Labels: advisers, beauticians, financial, pablothehat, plumbers, research, researcher, telephone, The Tao of Blog