Thursday 17 January 2008

Police and prosecutors 'failing rape victims' | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

Huh! Tell me something I don't know.
If you are a regular to The Tao of Blog, you will know that this is a subject which I have very strong views upon, having seen first hand how inept, corrupt and ineffectual a particular police force in the UK deal with these attacks.
This news report mealy echos comments I have been making for the last 3 years.

Police and prosecutors 'failing rape victims' | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited

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Anonymous said...


Something needs to be done!

Pablothehat said...

Yes indeed, but it is more likely that it will just continue as it has always done.
This is a crime which has no class boundaries, it is not a crime that is restricted to the poor or lower social classes.

Therefore, it is my belief that there is not a real incentive to impose punishments that as strong enough to deter, if such judgements would affect anyone who would be considered a pillar of society.