Wednesday 16 January 2008

What is the best piece of advice you have gained today?

Treat Your Blog As A Business.
I picked this article up at Bloggingzoom as a new entry. It just stood out from the others even though it was newly hatched, still a bit damp, and hasn't attracted many Zooms just yet.
But far from being an Ugly Ducking, this is a bit of a Swan.

(Taken from the article)
1. You’re already in business. From the moment you held your blog out as deserving money for reviews or a place offering advertisers links you’ve been in business. Think of your blog as a Mom & Pop store: you’re working for yourself, and you’re not trying to fool anyone into thinking you’re Wal-Mart. But what separates you from the guy on the street corner holding out a can and asking strangers for money is that you are seeking to exchange a commodity for the money you earn.

All good , encouraging stuff, what?

Treat Your Blog As A Business

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Anonymous said...

I'd be lucky to earn a buck from my blog. People would demand their money back.

Pablothehat said...

Rubbish! Your writing is great..not sure about the pink mind you, but hey!
You are a very funny and skilled wordsmith working under conditions which most well heeled, professional writers would just cumble under and have to go to cele-brats rehab.