Saturday 24 November 2007

The El- Meme Effect

The El- Meme Effect

I don’t really go for these chain letter type things. Either the bin or delete in my world.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Divinyl for roping me into this whole affair. May your stylus go blunt and your LP’s get those awful folds over edges on the inner sleeve.

8 things I am passionate about:
Like DV, all aspects of music, but particularly having a good jam with some great musos.
(The Hat is off to Paul Dowler aka Elv, Paul C for the healing, Johnny Fingers and Beryl, Just play the fucking note!! That note! Just play the fucking note!
Gary Potter, you are far too talented for me mate!
Rodders!!! And even my Ex-wife, you were a great singer and guitarist girl!)

Sci-Fi Films. I remember going to the cinema by my aunt to see loads of sci-fi films when I was a kid, no more than 10. Thanks Av, you are a star! You started my life long love affair with Sci-fi.
The company of intelligent people who work with enlightened self and community interest.
Reading widely.
The Truth.
(I would also like to work tirelessly to end world hunger and single-handedly stop the deforestation of the planet.)

8 things I want to do before I die:
Keep breathing,
Become a better writer and to earn my way through life from it.
Avoid ending up as a washed out opium addict, shanghaied and sold in to servitude.
To find where I truly belong.
End my life as a Temple Ball roller in Nepal, the hours are bad but you get to lick your hands.
To finish the Course in Miracles.
To remember who I was before I was born.
To die without fear.

I liked Divinyl’s suggestion and will take the liberty of using that.
8 experiences that have changed the way I view the world:
Walking passed the body of my dead dog on my way to school when I was 7.
Surviving several road traffic accidents.
Losing my mind on my 25th birthday.
Finding my mind 3 years later.
Getting married. (see losing my mind again)
Getting through 3 miscarriages.
Getting divorced.
Helping my friend seek justice after she had been gang raped.

8 songs I can listen to over and over again:
Psycho Killer - Talking Heads
Bee’s Wing – Richard Thompson
Anything – Moody Blues
Underwater Love – Smoke City
Off shore – Chicane
Weather the Storm – Massive Attack
Gimme a Pigfoot – Bessie Smith
Wild Billy's Circus Story - Bruce Springsteen

8 things that attract me to my friends:
Difficult this as I don’t really have many old friends that I stay in contact with much but I guess….
A well developed sense of humour.
That the passing of time and the distance between us does not diminish the acceptance of each other.
They are able to separate truth from illusion and know the difference.
That they understand that I will drop them at any time should they contravene any of my principals regardless of how genuine, honest, trustworthy or funny they would like to project themselves.
That they know that I will never lend them money.
That they don’t have to be very intelligent, just malleable
They can be as quirky and individualistic as they like as long as they are not self-obsessed.
That they would fucking answer their email!

Tag a further 3 people mmmm unless I pick someone at random…He! he! he!?

Ok so the folks from MyBlogLog I nominate, are………….. (Drum roll)
Emmy, labyrinth_sofia and House…...

‘Never will I do this again’… (Neil Armstrong)

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Divinyl said...

Bah humbug! But didn't you enjoy it? Wasn't it cathartic? Nope...wasn't for me either, and not something I shall generally be joining in on! Lol. Thanks for being a good sport though...and it was very interesting indeed to learn a little more about the man behind the blog. Psycho Killer - good call!

Now take back those nasty things you said about my vinyl collection! x

Pablothehat said...

Bah yer sen!..LOL
No it was ok.

and no .. I wont take it fact ..for enforcing me to revel my true evil face, I hope the glue deterioates in your King Crimson album cover...x


Divinyl said...

Ha ha! If I had King Crimson, that would be slightly more troubling...but I appreciate the reference...I'm obviously just not as cool as you thought I was! Tee hee :o)